Prednáška nášho pracovníka na TU Wien
by EriknemSprávy zo života ústavuVčera 30.4.2020 mal náš vedecko-pedagogický pracovník Richard Balogh online prednášku na prestížnej univerzite Vienna University of Technology (Technische Universität Wien). Prednáška sa uskutočnila v rámci projektu Robocoop cezhraničnej spolupráce SK-AT Interreg.
Title: Robotic competitions in an online era
Abstract: In my lecture I will briefly introduce the history and various types of robotics competitions and its relevance as a research and education tools. Also I will present the experiences from Slovakia during more than 20 years of robotic contests organization. Last but not least the newly introduced on-line robotic competition and experiences will be presented.